Enhanced Galaxy – Orange Stellaris

Enhanced Galaxy – Orange Stellaris
This is a graphics only re-worked galaxy color sticking with the vanilla galaxy color scheme (orange center). The colors are adjusted so that the bright clouds near the galaxy center aren’t as bright and saturated, instead looking more like dark clouds reflecting the glow from the center. The outer edge of the galaxy is considerably darker and the nebula clouds are softer.
The galaxy color image itself is not shown in-game, instead it is used to colorize the “space dust” effect. With darker colors the dust clouds are less prominent.
This mod only alters image files, it will have no impact on save games and can be edabled/disabled without any issues. It will only conflit with other mods that also alter the galaxy color or nebula clouds. It is very likely that it will continue to function through any game updates even if the game reports this mod as being out-of-date.
In my option it works best with spiral galaxy types. It’s ok with the eliptical galaxies and very dark in ring galaxies.
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