Xan’s SciFi Mashup For Stellaris

Xan’s SciFi Mashup For Stellaris
Currently WIP
Addes the following factions to the game, all are set to spawn always:
Star Wars
* Galactic Empire
* New Republic
Star Trek
* Borg Collective
* Cardassian Union
* Klingon Empire
* Romulan Star Empire
* United Federation of Plantes
* Ferengi Alliance
Warhammer 40k
* Chaos
* Dark Eldar
* Eldar
* Imperium
* Necrons
* Orks
* Tau
* Tyranids
* Protoss Empire
* Terran Dominion
* Zerg Swarm
* Skaarj Empire
* German translation
* Add biography
* Add more SF – Franchises
Please feel free to provide me some feedback so i can improve the mod experience.
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