Star Wars Weapons Mod

Star Wars Weapons Mod
Do not redistribute the mod without permission, nor use mod content in another mod even if it is only the asset. files without asking first!
What this mod adds:
3 new defence point modules in green, red and blue
2 new Flak modules in green, red and blue
5 Turbolaser module, 3 Ion Cannon module, 3 Quadlaser module and 2 Octuplelaser module in green, red, blue
3 Disruptor module in purple
1 XL weapon, Conquerer Superlaser (kind of broken ???? )
4 new Concussion missile modules
2 Ion Pulse missile modules
Support for Empire/ Rebel shippacks (Fighter/ Bomber and Patrol weapon effects)
For Green, Blue, Red and Disruptor weapons new hit and muzzle particle effects
1 spaceport module only green
6 Tech chains
Each module has it´s own tech
Each weapon has atleast 2 soundeffects (except defence point, octuplelaser, flak quad)
6 Shieldhit soundeffects
6 Hullhit soundeffects
Everything has its own icon and description
Note: The Superlaser windup effect is broken, sound however works as it should, if you want to see it, open the command console and type:
spawnentity sw_superlaser_windup_entity
it will stay until you reload your save.
Guide for not annoying me:
How to use:
The first Tech is the Blaster Technology (the Shippacks Full version will get the first Tech with the event) after that you can research wich weapon color you want (tech) green, red and blue. You can only research one Weapon Color! so choose wisely and only research the color you want! The purple color is the Disruptor weapon, you wont get it at the start and it is rare.
For the first weapon you need a color and Light Turbolaser Tech.
Thanks to shuulleech you can now choose wich weapon color you want, if you get Blastertech!
Laser Mesh and Textures are from Jeronimo and Megabalta
Particle Textures are from Jeroenimo´s mod Empire at war: RE
Octuple and Quadlaser sounds from Jeroenimo´s mod Empire at war: RE
shuulleech for the Color choosing event
Sounds from EAW and DICE Battlefront
Some pictures are from Fractalsponges render
Russian translation by: PLAY YOURSELF and friends
Sound and Picture Copyright belongs to LucasArts and Disney.
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