Shanty Town Mod

Shanty Town Mod
Works with v1.6.x. and v1.7.x of the game.
*** PLEASE NOTE that Shanty Town is included in AlphaMod. If you have AlphaMod activated, you do not need this standalone version of the mod. ***
The concept behind Shanty Town is a simple one: an unemployed pop isn’t just going to sit there and wait for a dysfunctional game AI to sort their life out. So after about a year sitting on their… whatever… they do something about it themselves.
An unemployed pop sitting on a food tile will build a Shanty Farm.
An unemployed pop sitting on an energy tile will build a Shanty Market.
An unemployed pop sitting on a minerals tile will build a Shanty Works.
An unemployed pop sitting on a science tile will build a Shanty School.
And an unemployed pop sitting on any other tile will build a Shanty Town.
For nowt, nothing, zilch. Maintenance cost? Nah. Planetary penalty to happiness and ethics? Erm, yes.
Does the AI care about this? Why, yes it does. Suddenly it seems to want to upgrade Shanty Towns to one of the other Shanty types (it just costs time). The AI will upgrade Shanty Farms to Hydroponics Farms, Shanty Markets to Power Plants, Shanty Works to Mines and Shanty Schools to Science Labs.
So until the AI is fixed to actually build stuff and not starve their pops, here’s Shanty Town. Have fun and report those bugs!
This mod modifies common/buildings/00_buildings.txt
*** PLEASE NOTE that Shanty Town is included in AlphaMod. If you have AlphaMod activated, you do not need this standalone version of the mod. ***
Licence: Original artwork is copyright the author & Alpha Strike Games Limited.
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