Pony Stuff For Stellaris

Pony Stuff For Stellaris
Pony Stuff 1.12d, Stellaris 1.6.1
Localisation: ENG/GER
Adds United Ponies, Pegasus, Earth Pony, Unicorn, Changeling, Griffin, Bat Pony, Crystal Pony, Dragon and Reformed Changeling Species.
Adds Pony Civics.
Adds Pony Flags/Emblens.
Adds an large Pony Name-list.
No Randomized Spawning Version avaible
I expanded on the Pony Flavor mod, fixed and expanded the broken Name-list and added several new Vectors.
My aim is to provide well made Species, Flags/Emblems and an good Name-list so you can create your very own MLP themed Empire/s.
84 Planet Names, +1017 Character and Ship Names.
To use the Planet Name-list, you have to hit the Randomize Button while Naming your Colony.
Since the Credits and Changelog got too long, i moved them into Discussion posts.
Feedback is appreciated.
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