Multi Planets Start Traits For Stellaris

Multi Planets Start Traits For Stellaris
This mod created 4 new traits that will allow Human players and AI to start with 2,3,4, or 5 planets colonized in their starting system.
New Traits:
Dual Planets – Start with two planets
Triple Planets – Start with three planets
Quadruple Planets – Start with four planets
Quintuple Planets – Start with five planets
Additional Planets:
Same planet class as home planet
Starts in home planet’s system
Planet size of 16
Planet starts with:
Planetary Administration
2x Power Plant I
1x Hydroponics Farm 1
1x Mining Network I
5x Pop (1 on each building)
1x Spaceport
3x Corvette
1x Science Ship (No Scientist)
1x Construction Ship
To Do:
Add ships to each planet
Add spaceport to each planet
Randomize planets more. (e.g. planet size, planet resources, planet pop)
Traits for planets in more than starting system
Trait for Random amount of starting planets
Update Trait costs
Updated: Added Quintuple Planets Trait icon.
This is an expanded version of my Dual Planet Start Trait mod. I enjoy using mods that all players, human and AI, have access to. Just to keep my games more balanced. However I am aware that there are those out there that would rather just have an advanced start over the AI. So I will look into also release a version that limits this Multi Planet start to non-AI only.
Thanks for viewing and/or using this mod. As always suggestions appreciated.
Credit for icons goes to Metaflare.
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