Fallen Empire ships and stations Mod

Fallen Empire ships and stations Mod
What the overhaul did and how it will affect you
~~~~ What i did was move my shipset out of the vanilla FE folder and into a new one. I made copies of every single FE asset, mesh, dds, etc, renamed and relinked them.
~~~~ This should prevent any mods that use or modify any of the vanilla FE assets from conflicting with mine
(if there is a conflict please post in the dicussion board named “Overhaul Conflicts”)
~~~~ This overhaul will of course effect any of your past saves that used my mod so I uploading the old version of it and the link is down below
Here is the link to the legacy version so that you guys can continue playing your old saves:
This is a mod that allows you to use both fallen empire ships and staions of different color including the Fallen Empire Titan. You will also be able to change the city background to those of the fallen empires. I have also updated it for Utopia and added a special Fallen Empire habitat. I am also working on making a FE version for the sensor array and research station for utopia. So expect updates soon.
My version of soon is different from yours. Maybe it is 1 day or maybe a month, i don’t know since time is relative.
All credit belong to their creators:
Fallen Empire – Patrock
I’m primarily going to maintain and fix any issues or bugs that will eventually pop up as stellaris continues to make space great. I don’t have any skills with 3D art and/or models so I will be using vanilla models and heavily modifying them for extra content. I will also borrow certain objects and/or models from other mods and modify them for this and will give credit for whatever i use.
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