Comprehensive Roman Namelist Stellaris

Comprehensive Roman Namelist Stellaris
Disclaimer – I do not know latin, so the names I have made up for armies may read a bit like engrish to someone who actually knows what they’re talking about.
A (mostly) comprehensive namelist for people wanting to play the romans . . . IN SPACE!
—— Ship names ——
Generic Ship names: Named for sympathetic characters in the Aeneid
– “Acestes” “Dardanus” “Lavinia” “Ripheus” etc
Corvettes: Named for Roman cities
– “Aquae Sulis” “Bannaventa” “Calleva Atrebatum” “Camulodunum” etc
Destroyers: Named for Roman provinces
– “Sicilia” “Corsica et Sardinia” “Gallia Cisalpina” “Hispania Citerior” etc
Cruisers: Named for successful Roman generals
– “Paullus Macedonicus” “Quinctius Flamininus” “Acilius Glabrio” etc
Battleships: Named for Roman heroes whether historical, semi legendary, or legendary, and militarily successful emperors
– “Gaius Mucius Scaevola” “Lucretia” “Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix” “Constantinus Augustus” etc
Science ships: Named for Roman academics
– “Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus” “Polybius” “Hypatia” “Marcus Terentius Varro” etc
Colony ships: Named for Roman coloniae
– “Colonia Claudia Victricensis” “Colonia Minervia” “Colonia Ulpia Traiana” etc
Construction ships: Named for Roman architects
– “Marcus Vitruvius Pollio” “Apollodorus” “Rabirius” “Publius Fabius Taurus” etc
Transport ships: Named for Roman military equipment
– “Pugio” “Gladius” “Hasta” “Javelin” “Pilum” “Arcus” etc
—— Station names ——
Frontier outpost: Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Speculum etc (Lookout or Watchtower)
Small military station: Named for Roman limites (Frontiers)
– “Limes Britannicus” “Limes Germanicus” “Limes Arabicus”etc
Medium military station: Named for Roman castella (Small fortifications)
– “Castellum Fabatianum” “Castellum Menapiorum” “Castellum Tidditanorum” etc
Large military station: Named for Roman castra (Large fortifications)
– “Castrum Alexandria” “Castrum Babylon” “Castrum Coptos” etc
—— Army and fleet names ——
Fleet names:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Classis Astrum (Star fleet)
Defense armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Legio Limitanei (Frontier legion)
Assault armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Legio Comitatenses (Field legion)
Slave armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Auxilia Servus (Slave auxiliaries)
Clone armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Auxilia Effigia (Copy or Imitation auxiliaries)
Robotic armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Auxilia Mechanicum (Mechanical auxiliaries)
Andriod armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Auxilia Automatum (Automaton auxiliaries)
Psionic armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Legio Incursus (Google translate puts ‘Incursus’ as meaning both something like ‘assault’ as well as ‘thought’, so I thought it a fitting word for an army of people who attack with their thoughts)
Xenomorph armies:
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Auxilia Bellua (Beast auxiliaries)
Gene warrior armies: Named for the Extraordinarii, the elite troops of the Roman allies in the days of the Republic
Named 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Legio Extraordinarii (Extraordinary legion or Chosen legion)
—— Planet names ——
Generic planet names: Named for various Roman deities
– “Acca Larentia” “Concordia” “Jupiter” “Minerva” “Quirinus” etc
Desert planet names: Named for underworld deities
– “Aerecura” “Dis Pater” “Lemures” etc
Tropical planet names: Named for fertility deities
– “Abundantia” “Bacchus” “Venus” “Cylebe” etc
Arid planet names: Named for various deities, generally to do with fire or death
– “Alernus” “Verminus” “Vulcan” “Stata Mater” etc
Continental planet names: Named for dieties of prosperity, victory and harvest
– “Aesculapius” “Anna Perenna” “Fortuna” “Terra Mater” etc
Ocean planet names: Named for ocean and river deities
– “Acis” “Fons” “Juturna” “Lympha” etc
Tundra planet names: Named for sky and weather deities
– “Aura” “Caelus” “Somnus” “Summanus” etc
Arctic planet names: Named for time and light deities
– “Aurora” “Nox” “Porrima” “Postverta” etc
—— Character names ——
Character names follow the old Roman convention of Praenomen, Nomen and Cognomen.
Praenomen – Personal name
Nomen – Clan or family name
Cognomen – Began as nickname, but eventually became heriditary to identify branches of the same family
The praenomen is used as the first name, and the nomen and cognomen are combined to form the surname. Unfortunately there is no way to implement male and female surnames, so I have just used the male versions.
Male first names
– “Gaius” “Lucius” “Marcus” “Publius” “Quintus” etc
Female first names
– “Gaia” “Lucia” “Marca” “Publia” “Quinta” etc
– “Menenius Agrippa” “Servilius Ahala” “Domitius Ahenobarbus” etc
—— Regnal names ——
Regnal names are chosen from the names of emperors and empresses that the romans considered if not good, at least not bad. They do not follow the praenomen, nomen, cognomen convention as by the time of the empire, the praenomen and nomen had become muddled together and many emperors had an absurd amount of names. I have used the Roman version of the names that we know them by rather than first names as nearly 3 quarters of the male list would be ‘Flavius’ in that case.
Male regnal names:
– “Gaius” “Tiberius” “Claudius” “Vespasianus” etc
Female regnal names:
“Livia Drusilla” “Antonia” “Agrippina” “Sabina” etc
Regnal surnames:
– The only regnal surname is Augustus because they all called themselves that.
Ironman compatible, not acheivement compatible until Paradox fixes the issue with the game version being different despite the checksum being the same.
Should not clash with any mods or updates as far as I know.
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