Additional Traits Stellaris

Additional Traits Stellaris
Stellaris is a game with infine possibilities and an infine potential.
So why not start by adding more species traits to your game ?
This allow you different options and more varied handicaps .. and advantages.
One of the objectives of this mod is to provide a balanced assortment of traits, fitting as much for multiplayer as well as singleplayer.
Update :
This mod have been updated for Banks
Every trait renamed in code, look at our guide in order to repair your custom empires. You can find it on steam in discussions or on the official forums[].
The traits Roboticians and Psionics are currently disabled.
Wasteful renamed Prodigal.
Thermosynthetic nerfed to -35% food consumption.
Agrarian nerfed back to +15% food output.
Hunter-gatherer now reduces food production from tiles worked by this species by 15% (from 20%)
— Global food should give a stronger utility to food production and consumption traits. These traits are susceptible to be rebalanced in the near future. Your impressions on global food would help us a lot.
Very Slow Breeders now reduces pop growth by 25% (from 50%)
— Following the example set by Slow Breeders in the vanilla game
Lateral Thinkers now gives +8% weapon damages (from 10%)
— Since a long time, feedback is that this trait is too strong for its cost. Feedback on this current state are much appreciated.
Ephemeral now reduce leader lifespan by 20 years (from 30)
— Following the example set by Fleeting in the vanilla game
Free spirits reduce Governmental Ethic Attraction by 30%
Iconoclastic reduce Governmental Ethic Attraction by 45%
— Following the example set by Deviants in the vanilla game
Aggressive, Extremely Aggressive, Violent, Friends of War can’t be taken by pacifist species anymore.
Doulouphage can’t be taken by species which aren’t some degree of xenophobe or authoritarian. Beside, this trait risk been soon modified.
Some traits may change a lot in the week following Banks update. Some may get transfered to Civics. Use this mod at your risks and perils this week. All changes will be documented.
Content :
The traits added in-game by Additional Traits are :
Ephemeral : Leader Lifespan : -20 : Cost : +2
Easily Distracted : Engineering Output : -5% : Physics Output -5% : Society Output : -5% : Cost : +1
Simple-minded : Engineering Output : -10% : Physics Output -10% : Society Output : -10% : Cost : +2
Lethargic : Energy : -5% : Army damage : -20% : Cost : +1
Lazy : Minerals : -15% : Cost : +2
Prodigal : Energy : -15% : Cost : +2
Unfit Engineers : Engineering Output : -15% : Cost : +1
Unfit Physicists : Physics Output -15% : Cost : +1
Unfit Sociologists : Society Output : -15% : Cost : +1
* Hateful : Other pop species happiness : -10% : Trust Growth* : -25% : : Cost : +2
Hunter-gatherers : Food : -15% : Cost : +2
Violent : Population growth : -15% : Other pop species happiness : -5% : Cost : +2
Free Spirits : Population Governmental Ethic Attraction : -30% : Cost : +2
Iconoclastic : Population Governmental Ethic Attraction : -45% : Cost : +3
Delicate : Garrison Health : -50% : Pop fortification Defense : -25% : Cost : +1
Weak Willed : Garrison Health : -75% : Army Morale : -20% : Cost : +2
Very Slow Breeders : Population growth : -50% : Cost : +2
Agrarian : Food : +15% : Cost : -2
Multitasking : Engineering Output : +5% : Physics Output +5% : Society Output : +5% : Cost : -1
Easily satisfied : Happiness : +10% : Cost : -2
* Born-Warriors : Army Damage : +10% : Army Morale : +10.0% : Fleet Damage* : +5.00% : Cost : -1
* Sociable : Other pop species happiness : +10% : Trust Growth* : +25% : Cost : -2
* Competitive : Influence Rivalry Gain* : +50% : Cost : -1
* Aggressive : Rivalry max* : +1 : Cost : -1
* Extremely Aggressive : Rivalry max* : +2 : Cost : -2
* Belligerent : Influence Rivalry Gain* : +50% : Rivalry max* : +1 : Cost : -2
Zealous Defenders : Garrison Health : +150% : Pop fortification Defense : +100% : Cost : -2
* Lateral Thinkers : Navy Damage* : +8% : Cost : -1
* Fast Analysers : Survey Speed* : +10% : Cost : -1
Thermosynthetic : Food required : -35% : Cost : -3
Doulophage : Slave food output : +15% : Cost : -1
Natural Inventors : Engineering Output : +20% : Energy : -10% : Minerals : -20% : Cost : -1 : Presentients only
Natural Savants : Physics Output : +20% : Energy : -10% : Minerals : -20% : Cost : -1 : Presentients only
The traits marked by a * are currently using an event which check at game start, when you modify your species and once a year that your main species still possess the trait.
Future versions may integrate more traits. Don’t hesitate to propose your ideas, we are always interested.
The forum discussion and the direct download link for the mods can be found here.
Languages :
This mod have currently translations in :
– English
– French
– Russian -incomplete
– Polish -incomplete
– German -incomplete
– Portuguese -incomplete
– Spanish -incomplete
We’re looking for translators. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Contributors :
Graphics : Meltup, Machinekng, Dskod1
Coding : Granhyt, Black_Imperator, TehT, Sriseru, Gerishnakov, Anitachall
Translators :
German : Aqua, EselNase, XeNoN
Portuguese : Chariman Isaac Buell, Aranha Maluco
Spanish : OBV
Russian : God Of Hyperdeath, Arikotomoshi
Polish : Kazmul
Special thanks to Meltup of his help, providing these great new icons, his constant ideas, advices, feedback. Special thanks also to black_imperator for his help getting these events working, his explanations, and the impressive compilation of effects, modifiers and the like.
And of course, thank to everyone for their inputs, ideas, advices and feedback.
If we forgot someone, just ask Granhyt or Meltup to correct it. ????
Free use :
Any/All parts of this may be used by anyone else for any reason, as long as it is in compliance with the Rules for User Made Mods and Edits of PDS games. If you do use any part of this mod, please give us credit where applying.
Feedback and ideas are really appreciated. So thank you in advance.
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